Friday, July 12, 2013

MEME Writers Block

Fridays always feel like Chinese food sort of days, and what's takeout without a fortune cookie? Thus, Fridays will bring you tips, tricks, advice, and some riddles that might apply to everything but will turn a light bulb on in your head (or maybe I just like talking like Yoda).

So he doesn't talk like Yoda, he sure looks pretty!

Don't let the sun fry your brain cells. Set yourself a goal of x-amount of words a day and do it! Even if you end up writing a love scene between the ice-cream truck man and fuzzy slippers in 80-degree weather lady. Get those juices flowing.

Happy Summer Writing!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fridays always feel like Chinese food sort of days, and what's takeout without a fortune cookie? Thus, Fridays will bring you tips, tricks, advice, and some riddles that might apply to everything but will turn a light bulb on in your head (or maybe I just like talking like Yoda).

"If you let the fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, then your life will be safe, expedient and thin." --Katharine Butler Hathaway

For those of you writing to trends. And, basically, anyone not writing what they want to write.

Happy writing!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Book Alert: Truly, Madly, Deadly

Every Wednesday (or most Wednesdays, or some Wednesdays) will bring you book reviews. Of a special variety. Yes, I am telling you which books are awesome and totally worth reading. But the point of my reviews is to hopefully make you conscious of the market and why this particular book was published: quality of writing, character and plot development, unique quirks of writing, characters, and plot that make it stand out. Take my tips to your own reading and writing, and through Constant Vigilance, will you succeed as a writer.
Today is an extra special Wednesday. "Why?" you might ask.

Please excuse the caps...


I'm a bit excited on two counts: 1. It's an awesome book that joins the ranks of awesome books and should be read by all awesome readers. This is in no way biased by the fact that 2. I was the agent on this book. (If you still think I'm biased, see #1)

Let's do the normal Wednesday Reads stuff now.

Synopsis: From the synopsis of any book you read, you can teach yourself how to write a query letter. This section will both tell you about the book, and what you should learn from the back cover blurb.
Sawyer Dodd has it all. She's a star track athlete, choir soloist, and A-student. And her boyfriend is the handsome all-star Kevin Anderson. But behind the medals, prom pictures, and perfect smiles, Sawyer finds herself trapped in a controlling, abusive relationship with Kevin. When he dies in a drunk-driving accident, Sawyer is secretly relieved. She's free. Until she opens her locker and finds a mysterious letter signed by "an admirer" and printed with two simple words: "You're welcome."  
Think an updated I Know What You Did Last Summer for the new generation. For all you querying thriller writers out there, take a good look at this blurb. It's short, it's concise, and it still conveys all the important information (who, what, why we should care, etc).

Opening Page: No agent, editor, or even reader will read past the first sentences or pages if it isn't grabs your attention and is well written.

 The novel opens on a funeral, but what I love about the opening scene is that you don't immediately know what the situation is. You know Sawyer is thinking inappropriate thoughts (she can't stop staring at fuzz on a guy's ear), and slowly the situation (a funeral) is revealed. You connect with Sawyer immediately because we have all been there (hopefully not where she is, of course), distracted and unable to connect to those around her.

Brownie Points: I am one of those people that knows the ending to everything ten minutes in. For some reason, no one likes to watch movies with me.

I could not guess the Who Dunnit reveal of this the first time I read it. Hooked, you guys, hooked. The whole book is a Brownie Point because I got to read it several times and loved it more each time. But, for the sake of education, let's say the best part is the thriller reveal, the pacing, the ending, and especially the creep-factor of the new housing development Sawyer lives in.

Who Should Read It: Everyone.

 Of course I would answer it like that! You guys should know me by now! Anyway, anyone who loves YA or thrillers, and especially anyone writing in those genres. This is Hannah's debut YA, so if you're looking to break out in the genre, pay close attention.

Oh, by the way, look for the sequel, See Jane Run, out early next year. Hannah also writes awesome Adult Urban Fantasy too (you know how much I love my UF!) with characters to laugh and die for.

Happy reading!