Monday, November 21, 2011

'Tis the Season

We're heading into cold weather (some of you have already had it), which brings up images of roaring fires and thick blankets. Tell me, what's your ideal writing and/or reading environment? Personally, I prefer sunshine and a bottle of suntan lotion, but I'm getting pretty partial to a fire and hot tea. Now it's time for snow to seal the deal--as long as the power stays on.

Happy writing!


Kristine Asselin said...

Well, we've already had our first snow fall (over Halloween Weekend), so I'm good w/ that. (And, the no power thing).

My ideal writing environment? Comfy chair, library or coffee shop quietly abuzz w/ background noise (but no one needing me to feed them or answer a question). Maybe a nice cup of hot chocolate made with steamed milk.

Hmmm. Yes, that sounds about right. :)

mshatch said...

Either a cool porch on a hot summer's day or a desk beside the fire in winter. and coffee.

Mart Ramirez said...

Yes, it's starting to get chilly! I enjoy the warm weather over the cold but I have to admit lounging next to a fire and sipping on tea is pretty comfy.

And add some productive writing to that and my day is set.

BTW LOVE your new sailboat background. Love sailboats!

Lindsey R. Loucks said...

My ideal writing environment is sitting at my desk with my pajamas on. A cat in my lap is optional.

Rachel Searles said...

No snow in L.A., but a rare rainy day can be pretty cozy for reading or writing.

Janice Sperry said...

All three kids at school is all I need for an ideal writing environment.

Katy Upperman said...

I prefer the to be under the hot sun on a beach towel, but cozy under my electric blanket is a close second. :)

Angela Cothran said...

I could write all day in the long as I am inside :)

Laura C. said...

I read cuddled up in bed in the dead of night. I think it's a habit formed as a child when I read under the covers with a flashlight to defeat Mom's bedtime curfew. :-D

Tamara said...

When it's beautiful outside, I feel like I'm missing the day, so I much prefer to write when it's raining. With candles flickering. And a hot drink to sip :D

(PS It's close to summer where I am - almost too hot to write!)

Leigh Caron said...

The loo. It's the only place no one disturbs me. Plus, I read very fast.

Rebecca Gillan said...

On my bed, under a mountain of fluffy warm quilts and propped up by a ski slope of pillows. I'll do both reading and writing this way.